2022 Design Trends We Have Our Eyes On

A new year always brings fresh perspectives, new goals, and intention setting, but it also brings new design trends. While we have mixed feelings about trends when it comes to design, it’s always fun to see what patterns, colors, textures, and furniture become popular each year.

The Design Trends We’re Looking Forward to This Year

Romantic and Whimsical Design

We are all about light and airy design. It makes a room feel larger and allows potential buyers to be able to picture themselves in the space. In 2022, we’ll continue to utilize fluted and scalloped materials, as well as incorporate some lightweight textures into our staging designs.

whimsical design trends
design trends we have our eyes on

Soft Kitchen Furnishings

Just because the purpose of a kitchen is to cook doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate some of your favorite design elements into the space. This year, we’re looking forward to pulling more living space-like decor into the kitchens we stage to help them feel more lived in.

the best kitchen decor


While pedestal tables aren’t a new trend and a design style we welcome with open arms whenever possible, we’re excited for the “trend” to continue this year! Our favorite way to incorporate pedestals into a space is in the dining room. It allows for a fun chair and gives a small dining space new life.

pedestal tables